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Technical Video Set #2

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Product Description

Currently only available in MP4 format.

Availavle only in MP4 format on a flash drive.  This format can be played on any digital device that has a MP4 player; computers and newer TVs.  

190SL for Vintage Racing: A 40-minute video by Bruce Adams showing the details of his 190SLR vintage racecar.   Bruce explains the many modifications that were made to make the car look and perform as an "authentic" 190SL racecar from 1955.

Detailing to Concours: A wonderful 70 minute video of Bruce Adams showing the restoration details of Michael Herrmann's "Best of Show" 190SL. 

The Early Years of the 190SL & 300SL: This DVD preserves an hour and 45 minute presentation by Guenther Baeuerle chronicling his work with Max Hoffman in 1954 and his other experiences with the 190SL and 300SL automobiles.

Evaluating the 190SL for Purchase: A video by Bruce Adams with Jim Villers discussing items to inspect when evaluating a 190SL of possible purchase; Run time 1:25. 

190SL Brakes: A video by Jim Villers with Bruce Adams covering all aspects of the 190SL Brake system.  This is a very detailed video; Run time 1:21.

Tune-Up of the 190SL: A video by both Jim Villers and Bruce Adams covering all aspects of a 190SL tune-up.  This is a very detailed video; Run time 1:35.

190SL Lubrication & Maintenance: A video of Walt Puryear and Jim Villers walking through the periodic tasks identified in the owner's manual; Run time 0:43.  

190SL Solex & Weber Carburetors:  Two video presentations; Walt Puryear describs the rebuild and setup of a Solex , Jim Villers does the same for the Weber DCOE carburetor; Run time 1:01.