Convention Sponsor Registration. Below are the levels of sponsorship, "Purchase 1 sponsorship for Bronze, 2 sponsorships for Silver and 4 sponsorships for gold.
$1000 |
Recognition on the Board of Honor, 1/2 page advertisement in the convention brochure(4.5”x3.25”), “Sponsor” ribbon for your convention nametag, Recognition at the Annual Banquet. 2 Club Logo Convention hats. |
$500 |
Recognition on the Board of Honor,1/4 page(2”x3.25”) advertisement in the convention brochure, “Sponsor” ribbon for your convention nametag. Recognition at the Annual Banquet. 1 Club Logo Convention hat. |
$250 |
Recognition on the Board of Honor, Mention in the convention brochure, “Sponsor” ribbon for your convention nametag, Recognition at the Annual Banquet. 1 Club Logo Convention hat. |
Contact Mary Anne Westphal for information at email or 352.494.0380
Ship Silent Auction donations and Welcome Bag items to:
190SL Group Convention, Jim Villers, 3133 Inlet Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1026
Email Ad copy to Bill Ainsworth at
or mail to Bill Ainsworth 190SL Convention, 23412 Moulton Parkway, Suite241, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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Current newsletter sponsors may request that their newsletter ad be used in a smaller version.