Multiple Year Membership Discounts! Save $10 by renewing for two years ($5 per year) or $21 for renewing for three years ($7 per year).
You can pay your annual membership dues with this online facility. If you would like to pay your membership for more than one year, just increase the quantity to 2 or 3 for two and three years respectively. The Business Office volunteer very much appreciates multi-year memberships.
There is a "postal" fee for paper newsletters mailed to Canada/Mexico, $10, and to other countries, International, is $15. The postal fee is waived for emailed newsletters.
If you are a new member, please fill out the New Membership Information box with information about yourself and your car. In applying for membership in the 190SL Group, you agree to abide by their by laws and not use their membership list for commercial purposes nor to give it out.